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“Just where you are - 

That's the place to start !.” 

 “Bereaved people, even those who have witnessed the apparently peaceful death of a loved one, often need to tell their story repeatedly, and that is an important part of transferring the experience they endured into a memory, instead of reliving it like a parallel reality every time they think about it.”

― Kathryn Mannix, 

Preparatory Grief
Lost of A Family Member

Anticipatory Grief

Anticipatory grief refers to the grief process experienced by friends and family members before the death of a loved one.

Anticipatory grief is also associated with other health-related losses like body changes after cancer treatments, the fear of a scheduled mastectomy, loss of independence due to chronic illness, or health-related issues like a divorce or the loss of a job.
The turmoil we experience with the news of the imminent loss of life of a loved one is very complex. Adding to the wide range of physical and medical challenges, we are bound to experience an array of emotional, mental, social and spiritual changes that require special care and attention.
Some of us may even need to have those difficult conversations about end-of-life care, Not Resuscitate (DNR) choices in some cases, and the complicated decision of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). These delicate moments are challenging and can be terrifying and overwhelming.
Speaking to a grief counsellor can help alleviate the anxiety you may be experiencing during this period of confusion and grief.

Preparatory Grief

Preparatory grief implies the grief experienced by those facing their impending death. While others prepare to say goodbye to their loved ones, the ones dying prepare to say goodbye to everyone they love and everything they know.


The patient also grieves the loss of some physical and cognitive abilities, the loss of privacy dignity, autonomy and overall independence. And it all boils down to four things: concerns for loved ones, fears of suffering, unfinished business and actual death.

Anticipatory Grief
Loss of a Family Member

Loss of a Family Member

The death of a family member is profoundly painful; nothing can prepare us for the sadness and confusion one feels when a loved one is gone forever.

Because of the natural complexity of family relationships, the death of a loved one often brings to the surface feelings that may impact the dynamics of the survivors. A cacophony of emotions will come and go, and some may even self-blame for the death of their loved one or begin to blame others; feelings of anger, fear and confusion can make it challenging to accomplish the simplest daily tasks, and these confusing emotions may even impact the sense of belonging and purpose. 

In most cases, grievers have many unanswered questions and regrets, with heartache for not having asked the right questions, not being present at the right moment, or not having said what they wanted to say. The death of a loved one can even bring about the questioning of our life trajectory and may even mirror our mortality. 

Research shows that healthy grieving requires the support of family and friends. Research also shows how important it is to express emotions openly without feeling responsible for the reactions and feelings of others. 

Death of a Friend

Death of a Friend

"There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family." 


The death of a good friend can be devastating. Many times, this significant loss is not acknowledged socially, and as a result, grievers find themselves mourning in isolation and without the support they desperately need. 

The hidden grief or sorrow of losing a dear friend can throw mourners into upheaval and confusion, and in many cases, the death of that particular person means that they've lost the one who understood them best or the one whom they trusted most. 


There are significant losses that, for various reasons, are silenced, and those losses are not socially recognized. Not being able to grieve openly adds deep distress to the already profound sadness one is experiencing.


Those who are left suffering in silence are out of the compassionate and caring support of their family and community, and their inability to grieve openly often has profound implications on their health, family relations, work and other aspects of their social life.

'Disenfranchised' grievers need understanding and support to mourn openly. Grief counselling and coaching can offer that space to openly express without hesitation the complex feelings attached to their grief. With support and acceptance, grievers can learn how to continue loving and living with their special friend's absence. 

Pet Loss

It was not "just" a dog, a cat, a bird or any other creature that just died; the animal companion you lost was also a family member, and you may be experiencing significant grief and conflicting emotions.

Losing a pet can leave a deep void in your life. It can change your daily routine, which can cause ripple effects that go far beyond the actual loss of your animal friend. Caring for your pet offers activities that become part of your daily routines and allows you to socialize with other dog owners at the park. You probably wake up daily to feed your cat or return home early enough to take your dog for a walk or to provide for your bird. Losing a cherished pet also means losing a vital companion willing to comfort you without objection. In addition to the initial pain you experience, you will feel aimless and lost in the days, weeks and even months after your pet dies.

Although grieving over the death of a cherished pet may be intense and even long-lasting, the process can be different from other losses. Our society doesn't understand the meaning of that loss, and many times, we criticize grievers for expressing their feelings openly or for wishing to hold a memorial. 

Research tells us that social support is crucial in recovering from all types of grief, including when the loss is of a loved animal. Speaking about your loss without shame and fear of criticism will help you in your journey through your grief. I have suffered the loss of my four-legged companions. I have felt the emptiness they left in my heart, home, and life. You are not alone. Let's talk and grieve openly.


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